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Return Policy

If you are not 100% delighted with your purchase, seasonwide.com will gladly accept your return within 60 days if your warranty permits. Please contact us to obtain an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) within 60-days of your purchase. To insure a speedy return, all returned items require an RMA. Items without an RMA may be delayed or returned to the sender.

Return Process

To return merchandise, please use one of the following methods:

Within 60 Days of Purchase

Please contact our Customer Service team to obtain a Pre-Paid Return Label within 60 days of your purchase. No postage is required for your shipment with this label. A return shipping charge will be deducted from your refund on returns of items that are not the result of a seasonwide.com error.

Upon receiving, your return will be processed within 2-3 business days. You will receive a notification when your return has been processed.

After 60 Days of Purchase

If your purchase date is over 60 days and you are still not satisfied with your purchase, you will need to use your own shipping methods to return the item. Seasonwide.com does not provide a pre-paid return label for returns over 60 days. Please mail your return to:

ATTN: Returns (your RMA number)
725 Summa Ave
Westbury, NY 11590

Please allow approximately 2-3 business days for processing. You will receive a notification when your return has been processed.

Refund Process

For your safety, we will issue a refund to the card that was used to pay for your purchase. Normally it takes about 2-3 business days after we receive the package for your return to be processed. If you paid with store credit, that credit will be put back on your seasonwide.com account. There is no restocking free applied to any returned goods. We will do our best to keep you informed throughout the process via email.